This page is the storage space with all the information about the other miscellaneous projects that I've done.

Guide to project requirements:

  • *J - Requires Java
  • *l - Long Loading Time
  • *SVGA - Requires Support for SVG Animations

Miscellaneous Projects

DNA Transcriber
This is a program I decided to make to transcribe DNA into its alternate form. A's become T's, T's become A's, G's become C's, C's become G's.
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Probability Test
I made this program to test a probability problem in my Algebra II/Trig class. It tests the probability of drawing 5 cards of the same suit from a deck of 52 cards by trying that scenario ten milion times.
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Scatter Button
I made this program to make a button that's impossible to click. It's useful

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SVG Clock
So I just kinda decided to make an animated SVG clock. So here it is. It's pretty sweet.
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SVG Clock Embedder
So I just kinda decided to make an animated SVG clock. So here it is. It's pretty sweet.
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Hydra Page
I kinda made a page that opens two more of itself every time that you close it... Like a Hydra.

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Fun Generator
This is a simple program that finds and loads a specified number of random Scratch projects. It's FUN.

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